Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Ways My Kids Make Me Laugh

1. True observations about life- 
Me to my sweet boy: "Thank you, what would I do without you?"
His immediate reply: "Do it by your self."
2. Sheer sillyness-
Daniel looks over to see our son with a macaroni noodle stuck up his nose. As Daniel tries to pull it together to tell him to get it out our son mischievously adds one to the other nostril and grins.
3. Tickles-
Baby girl has learned how to tickle. She makes a "gushhhhh" noise as she does it and she is surprisingly good at it.
4. Watching silly videos together-
The three of us watched "What Does The Fox Say", we all cracked up.
5. Imitating said silly videos-
You should see my sweet boy do the fox dance from the end of the video.
6. Observations about people-
As he draws a vaguely human figure: "You see this one is Pa because he doesn't have any hair, just these little hairs on his head."
7. Their silly grins-
Baby girl has the silliest most infectious grin. It can make me giggle just to see it.
8. The beautiful way my boy sounds out and then spells words-
Meow may be MEOYMM but you can tell that he is making progress. I try not to chuckle but they are so adorable.
9. Serious expressions on toddler faces-
Baby girl will walk up to me, chat at me with nonsense syllables, nod and then go about her business. No clue what she is saying but she is quite serious about it.
9. Watching them explore something new-
A bug, a flower, the surpises from things I take for granted are new and joyous to my eyes again.
10. Watching them play together-
Baby girl may eat the cars as much as she drives them but she loves to imitate anything he does in her little lispy high soft voice and her brother has taught her a rather ferocious growl.
11. Watching my older child teach my younger one new things-
Sweet boy: "Can you say baby?"
Baby Girl: "Aby"
Sweet boy: "Can you say new baby?"
Baby Girl: "Ah aby"
Sweet boy: "Say Yeah!"
Baby Girl: "YEAH!"
12. Their aspirations-
When my son grows up her wants to be a cowboy so that he can take care of cows...maybe I should warn him before I take him to a rodeo.
13. Reading silly books-
You forget how great some of these books are until you re-read them with your kids.
14. Pretend-
You see, only the bunny Oreo can eat black colored carrots. Everyone knows that, right? Wembley, the bunny, can't have color at all. My son has a whole world of bugs and rabbits that he keeps straight in his head and dutifully fills me in on their goings on. I just focus on not giggling.
15. Ring-around-the-rosie-
They love it, and we all just fall over laughing together.
16. Conversations with their peers-
Hearing one preschooler defining a word to another preschooler is comic genius.
17. Attempts at interaction with peers
Hugs are my favorite to watch, heads bump, kids fall, feet get stomped. Baby girl gives kisses to brothers tummy because that is where she can reach and if he tries to lean down all the previously mentioned catastrophes occur. Lovely bed time shenanigans.
18. The ways they get hurt-
I have watched my son, in a hurry to get to his room, take the turn into the hall way too quick and plow right into the wall instead of the door way. You feel so sorry for them but it is really funny.
19. The way the comfort one another-
Sweet boy, howling over having to clean his room, was lying in his door way so my sweet girl went over and sat beside him. He put his head in her lap and continued his moaning while she patted him on the head. After two very long minuets she got up and went to do something else and he wailed after her "Don't go!!"
20. The way they share-
if you ask baby girl if you can have a bite of what she is eating it is equally likely that she will take it out of her mouth to give to you as hand you an un-masticated piece.
21. Listening to them sing-
Sweet boy can sing all of "You Got A Friend In Me" and it is adorable in his sweet little boy voice.
22.  Listening to their interpretation of lyrics when they sing-
No more need be said.
23. Seeing how excited they get over the smallest things-
"Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!!" and the jumping and giggling commences.
24. Getting to relive movies for the first time with them-
The now old hat gags from Sesame Street and the Disney movies take on a new life now that I get to watch them with my kiddos.
25. Jokes-
Sweet boy got a kick out of the "I'm hungry, nice to meet you hungry" joke. Thought it was so funny and so did I once again.
26.Their laughs-
They are infectious!
27. Baby girls mischievous giggle when she finds something new-
She has done it since she was tiny and it makes me giggle.
28. Hyperbole-
I never get dessert, my room will never be clean, you never let me go outside, you just don't understand!
29. The attempts at complicated words-
I'll never forget my son saying he didn't want "con-see-qint-ses" aka consequenses.
30. Clothes-
Today baby girl came in the kitchen having pulled her shirt up over her head like a hood with her little arms hanging out the side and the biggest proudest grin on what you could see of her little face.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Mine do all these things. A is currently attempting to read a story to E and E is just making these scream-like noises. Not upset, just loud. Because boys don't seem to have volume control. Which A has told me very seriously.
