Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Books I Intend to Read

     There are always those books that you hear about and think you should read someday. Maybe compiling a list will motivate me to move forward with my to read list. There are a lot of sci-fi and fantasy novels on here because that is my main interest but there is an equal share of classics that I intend to read "for my own good" of sorts, just to expand my horizons.

1. Dracula- Bram Stoker someday I will finish this
2. Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
3. Emma- Jane Austen
4. The Once and Future King- T.H. White
5. The Temperance Brennan Series- Kathy Reichs
6. The end of the Cavern of Black Ice series...finally!- J.V. Jones
7. The Five Love Languages- Gary Chapman
8. Quiter- Jon Acuff
9. Praying Circles Around Your Children- Mark Batterson
10. The Bluest Eye- Toni Morrison
11. The Bonesetters Daughter- Amy Tan
12. Dexter- Jeff Lindsey
13. On Origins of Species- Charles Darwin
14. Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen 
15. The Catcher In The Rye- J.D. Salinger
16. The Da Vinchi Code- Dan Brown
17. Faust- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
18. Gone With The Wind- Margaret Mitchell
19. The Dark Tower Series- Stephen King
20. Carrie- Stephen King
21. The Time Machine- H.G. Wells
22. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?- Phillip K. Dick
23. Catch 22- Joseph Heller
24. Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand
25. Interview With a Vampire- Ann Rice
26. I, Robot- Isaac Asimov
26. A Wrinkle in Time- Madeleine L'Engle 
28. Dresden Files- Jim Butcher
29. Strong Fathers Strong Daughters- Meg Meeker
30. Boys Should Be Boys- Meg Meeker


  1. I have several of these if you want to borrow them at some point. I've always hated Wuthering Heights, but that's just me. I think the Bronte's are overrated and depressing. But then I read them a little younger than I probably should have.

    I have Emma, several of Kathy Reichs books, The Five Love Languages, Dexter, Pride and Prejudice, The Da Vinci Code, and Gone with the Wind. I haven't READ them all, but I have them. :-)

  2. Don't we have like six of these in our house right now? (I guess Quitter is in my office at work, but still.)
