Monday, November 4, 2013

30 Things I Did Before I Was 30

These things may not seem impressive to you all. There are numerous people who have done far more exciting things in the first part of their life but what I tried to think of is things that I have done that were a little different from my typical life. Those things in your life that you look back and say, "Hey that was cool, and not quite like typical me!"

1. Dove off a 5m platform
2. Been north of the Mason-Dixon line
3. Swam in the ocean
4. Hiked Hermits Peak
5. Dissected a shark
6. Learned to drive a standard
7. Seen King Tut
8. Slept under the stars
9. Ridden a horse bareback
10. Been on a medical mission
11. Looped a snake around my shoulders
12. Helped pick up a lions head from the zoo for the ACU biology department
13. Told off an emergency room doctor and got them to take me seriously, that was before I was even 20, in fact.
14. Out ran an armadillo
15. Left the USA
16. Had a baby, or two
17. Shot a gun
18. Bought and paid for a car
19. Used a drill press on a turtle
20. Hitch hiked on the side of the highway, albeit, unwillingly
21. Driven a bus
22. Been within a few yards of a bear
23. Heard a Mountain Lion call
24. Cuddled with a chinchilla
25. Had a giraffe wrap its tongue around my fingers
26. Been through Carlsbad Caverns
27. Ridden in the back of a truck at highway speeds
28. Been run over by a four wheeler
29. Kicked myself in the face
30. Inner tubed down a snowy mountain side

It has been a fun couple of years. I can't wait to see what the next few hold.

1 comment:

  1. I'm fairly impressed by the "Kicked yourself in the face" one. is that even possible? I don't think my body bends that way.
