Sunday, June 2, 2013

Travel: The early years

When my son was little we were going through a phase that I call "the broke phase". I wanted to be a stay at home mom but that meant that our income was cut in half...and then cut in half again. It was one of the most difficult and joyous times of Daniel and I's lives. But the part of this that is relevant to this topic is that travel was a luxury, like internet and four door cars. We didn't travel with our one year old son and now that my daughter is weaned and summer is here we have some travel planned and I have found myself thinking, "How did we do this?", and realizing "Oh, we didn't". Second child and I have no idea how to manage the in the car eating or constantly stopping or diaper changes on the go. 

It all just makes me wonder if we have a third child what I will be surprised to discover I have never done. By the third you have it all worked out, no surprises, right?