Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crazy Times: The count down truly begins.

Welcome to week 32! There are less than 8 weeks 'til my due date and I am starting to feel the pressure. Mental lists of all the things I need to get done before my sweet girl makes her arrival run through my head, not the least of which is to pick a name.
I get that question more than any other, and with those close to me it has become a big joke. The suggestions range from Kimmy to Jezebel and everything in between. And some I like, some aren't my cup of tea but how do you tell someone who's serious, as some of them are, that you really hate that name and wouldn't do that to your child?
Names seem to be such a determining factor in a childs life so there is a lot of pressure not to screw it up. If I name my child Sapphira am I condemning her to a life of doubt due to the only biblical mention of this name being in the context of disobedience and punishment by God? Or if I name her Sophia or Emily, top names in 2011, will she feel lost in the crowd?
So you want unique, but not crazy, meaningful, but not too weighty, it can't clash with the last name, and then you have a middle name too, check that the initials aren't a negative combination... and ta-da... you have a name for your baby, right?
Maybe I should go back to picking out curtains or something less important to my child's whole future and revisit this later?