Sunday, November 3, 2013

30 Places I Would Like To Go

This list took me a long time to come up with. The first 10 weren't so hard but then I started to think of places that I had been before or that were just around the corner from me. There are about 5 places on this list that are quite familiar to me and even with all the exciting possibilities for my imagination I can't dismiss those places I love the most.

1. London
2. Paris
3. Stonehenge
4. Crater Lake
5. The Smithsonian
6. Switzerland
7. Yellowstone
8. The Dead Sea
9. Hong Kong
10. The Dallas Aquarium
11. Gettysburg
12. Disney World
13. Hawaii
14. Alaska
15. The Galapagos Islands
16. Oxford
17. Egypt, probably Gaza in particular
18. The Taj Mahal
19. Greece
20. The Louvre
21. Cancun, preferably there would be a cruise involved
22. One of the Zambia Medical Missions
23. An African Safari
24. Japan
25. My Cabin
26. Disney Land
27. The Fort Worth Botanical Gardens
28. The Fort Worth Zoo
29. Santa Fe, New Mexico
30. On the honeymoon my husband planned for us that we had to cancel because of his horrible job at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. To pretty much all of them. I saw Paris while sick with morning sickness with A and want to go back to see it again and eat everything. Like...all of the food. It was so amazing looking. I managed a hot dog and an eclair. lol
