Monday, July 16, 2012

The Great Divide

     There are three major things I currently do with my life. It seems that everything fits in one of these categories:
Keeping House
   It sounds simple when I put it on paper but you all know that there is more to even one of those jobs than any full time job would allow. So on a daily basis I find myself feeling a bit guilty about neglecting one or the other of these things, or on really bad days I feel guilty about all of them. How do I escape the guilt trap?
     I am trying something new about the House part of things. I have set out a daily chore list that assumes I try to keep things picked up, do dishes etc. but gives me one more detailed task for the day. It has been a relief, at least for the first few days and I feel that my house is gradually getting cleaner each day. I still haven't decided what to do when something doesn't work out. For example on Saturday I clean the bathrooms, but there was too much going on here this Saturday for me to do more than one of the two. So do I catch up the next day? Do I wait another week? With something like dusting the living room missing a week is not that big of a deal, but bathrooms are another matter, especially with a preschool boy in the house. So a few kinks to work out but so far a success.
As far as my kids go things are a bit more difficult to parcel out. Their needs don't schedule as easily and if I miss a week it would be a big problem. Nathan wants me to play with him, read to him, color with him, admire his latest accomplishment, all great things to do together, but Finley needs to be fed, changed, put to sleep, held, and talked to. Most of Finley's needs are more immediately pressing than Nathans so he gets put off til she is asleep, and then the question is do I make lunch, or clean, or play with Nathan in the few moments I have. Heaven forbid I should decide to shower or do my hair, that stuff is right out. So the wise suggestion might be that they both tend to nap at the same time at least one out of four days, then I could clean, but...Mommys need naps too on occasion, I am up every two to four hours at night. But, I could go to bed earlier...
The conclusion I come to as I start to enter this vicious circle of logic is that what I need to do is survive, take care of myself, let my husband know I love him, let my children know I love them and hope that covers my multitude of wrongs. In the end even super mom is only human.

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