Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Adventure In Diapering

I was laying in bed with Fin, just doing pull ups, blowing bubbles, you know, baby stuff. When I heard the sound of mysterious happenings in her diaper. Is it a toot? The beginnings of a blowout? Just a normal dirty diaper, if such a thing exists? I pause, the only thing worse than a blowout is interrupting a blowout. And there it went again, and she even added a tiny grunt at the end for effect. Having had a bad experience that morning I picked her up and hurried to her room to change it before things got out of hand. As I walk into her room I flip on the lights and nothing happens. I reach for the pull on the fan, still nothing. The bulb is burned out. Strike One.
Now I had recently decided that it was just too bright in Finley's room and had covered all the windows so the only light in there was what filtered down the hall from the living room. I carefully weighed my options and decided that haste was in my favor. I began to change the diaper. There was an ominous little toot when I first started wiping but I did not heed the warnings. When the wipes seemed to be coming out clean I wrapped up the dirty diaper and reached in the drawer for a clean one... but, alas, there were none there. Strike Two.
I peered around the room and spotted them, just out of reach by the book case. I looked at Fin, who was happily playing with her toes, and holding one hand out by the changing table I dove for the diapers and leapt back. Once I had assessed that she had not managed to roll away in that unprotected second, I dug a diaper out of the new bag and tucked it under her. I flipped back the top of the diaper and... stared in horror. It had a long dark streak on it. Strike Three, OUT!
Finally realizing I was in over my head I rolled baby, changing pad, wipes and diapers all together and carried it into the living room. One look at the situation told me it was time to take a bath and make use of the advanced wash settings on my washer. I left her on the pad on the floor while I ran her water and this is what greeted me when I came to get her for her bath...
Those are the jeans that she had been wearing that are on her head. I'm just glad that her tushie is still on the pad or this post might have included a carpet cleaner.
So baby got a bath...
 And momma did a load of laundry and attempted to change the lightbulb, which is a whole other story involving a screwdriver, several stools, and moving large furniture.
Nathan, when I checked on him at the end of all this was blissfully unaware of any drama...

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