Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Monday

It has been a Monday. I called the father of the child that I keep sometimes at 10:30 to see if I was off in thinking I should have him today and found out that the dad was not feeling well and so he was staying home and Eli was just going to be staying with him. That changed my plans for the day making it a bit more relaxed. I called my mom at 12:00pm to check the plans that I had with her. Those had been for me to bring my son and lunch at 1:30 so that I could head to my Dr. appointment. She was going to have a meeting that was canceled so I headed over there a bit early and got Braum's for us to eat. After a nice lunch I headed to my appointment which was as pleasant as those yearly ones can be. When I finished I called my mom and found out that Nathan was still asleep so I told her that I would go my Carter Blood Care to give blood before I came to get Nathan. I went to one location to find out it was closed so I headed to the location that is closer to my mom's house. I got there got all checked in and was fillin' up the bag when my phone rang. I got the sweet lady who was putting up with my crazy veins to hand me the phone. I called my mom back, she was the missed call, and found out Nathan had grabbed a lamp and she wasn't sure is he had burned himself or shocked himself and that she needed me there as quickly as I could. So now I am looking at the needle in my arm trying to figure out how to bleed faster. The phlebotomist was concerned because I looked tired but really I was just stressed. I told her about the phone call and she started trying to give me hints to get the blood flowing. So I finished up, grabbed a juice and downed it as I climbed into the car rushing all the more because I hadn't put my coat on and it was just above freezing. Just as I put the key in the ignition my phone rang again. It was my mom and she said that Nathan had calmed down and seemed to be okay, there was no hurry. This is the moment when I flopped back in the car seat and just tried to take a deep breath. Mondays.

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