Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ode to My Eyebrows

Ode to My Eyebrows

As much as I love a sense of freedom
and the idea of bucking the trend
As much as I admire the individual
the one who is not afraid to stand out
These are not traits that appeal to me
when I am talking about eyebrows
Eyebrows should be aligned
in neat, flat, narrow rows
No strays or gangly ends
to romp about your face
But neatly, precisely, laid in their place
And if you dare think, my little eyebrow hair
that you can seek to rebel from me
and my exacting tyranny
I will pull you out!


  1. This is, in all seriousness, some very fine poetry. I cannot tell you how glad I am that this is not your policy when measuring sides of the bed.

  2. LOL to your husband's comment, but so sweet that he comments on your blog! I enjoyed this. A nice break from all the seriousness in my life right now.
