Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Grocery Budget!

I have been going in circles trying to find an efficient, cost effective, low maintenance way to get a good deal on groceries. In Arlington I had it down, at least it felt like I had it down. There was always the tiny bit of wiggle room left in the grocery budget at the end of the month. But now that we have moved it seems that all my methods for saving money are useless. I scrimp, and bargain hunt to the extent which my limited knowledge of Abilene will let me, but I can't seem to get ahead. it doesn't help that while I am trying to make this transition prices everywhere are skyrocketing as gas prices move higher and higher. At least the part of out budget is smaller in Abilene. What it finally comes down to is I MISS ALDI! *sniff*


  1. Ha! I find that prices are so much higher out here in West Texas. I have the hardest time staying within budget. I dread going to the grocery store!

  2. I have friends that literally are only looking for a new residence close enough to an Aldi! Otherwise they won'y move from where they are.
