Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Things To Do In The Next 30 Years

It was strange to realize that in 30 years I will be 60, my kids will be entering their thirties, and I will have been married for longer than Hollywood knows how to count. There is so much life between now and then, but I see how fast the last 30 went and know that it is only going to go faster and then all that time just seems too short. I just hope that I get those graceful smile wrinkles and lovely gray streaks that I am certainly not earning right now. One can dream, right.

1. Take the MCAT just for fun
2. Go back to school
3. Have another kid, or two
4. Travel more
5. Go on my origional honeymoon, the one we had to cancel
6. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up
7. Spoil some grandkids
8. Run a 5K
9. Get into a work out routine
10. Buy a house
11. Paint the walls in my house
12. Sew a dress
13. Dress up for Halloween
14. Discover a fish I like to eat
15. Participate in an International Talk Like A Pirate Day
16. Build a green house and fill it with yummy things hard to grow out here
17. Lose some weight by finding a diet I can actually live with
18. Make a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner all by myself
19. Decorate my house on purpose, not just because I found it at a garage sale
20. Finally try escargot
21. Get pedicures on a regular basis
22. Build a tree house
23. Hike Elk Mountain
24. Take a nap in a hammock
25. Host a masquerade
26. Exchange the center diamond on my wedding ring for a .5 ct pear shape one
27. Renew my vows
28. Sleep through the night
29. Buy a purse dog
30. Go on a cruise

1 comment:

  1. Some of these are totally doable in the forseeable future. Find a friend with a hammock and boom. Nap. Once the baby's born, take a weekend away, and your chances of sleeping through the night are heightened. Or maybe just the nap in a hammock is doable. I did it in college and woke up with a weird waffle sunburn...so be careful of that.
