Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 Goals For My Life

If you have been keeping up with the posts so far some of these will be a repeat. A few of these are also things that I want to do in the next 30 years. Goals seem like they need to have a end, a point at which you can say, "I have done this." and can move on to the next goal. I think in the coming years I need to come back and review how I am progressing. Why make a goal if you are going to them move on and ignore it.

1. Have a consistent bible study routine
2. Say a prayer with my children every night
3. Find a good cleaning schedule
4. Plant a garden every year
5. Use my own compost in my garden
6. Buy a minivan
7. Finish at least one sewing or knitting project
8. Have an organized garage
9. Have a house with a guest bedroom
10. Run a 5K
11. Find an exercise routine that I like and can afford
12. Set up a ladies card night here in Abilene
13. Find a Christmas present for people in my life that takes their breath away at least once
14. Send out Christmas cards, for once
15. Send out Thank You notes, also, for once
16. Read the Little House series to my children
17. Learn to lay tile
18. Landscaping!
19. To still be able to climb a tree when i'm 60
20. To maintain a sense of humor through my pregnancy
21. To raise my children to love and support one another
22. To read all those books on my to read list by the time I'm 50
23. To pay off my student loans in less than 4 years from now
24. To never borrow money again unless it is for a house
25. To always make sure my husband feels supported even when I disagree
26. To always make my children feel loved even when I am disciplining them
27. Teaching my children to clean up after themselves
28. Teaching my children how to cook
29. To have a gift stash so that I always have something for birthday parties
30. To enjoy 30, then 40, then 50 and so on. In other words, enjoy each day that I am given regardless of what age it comes at.

1 comment:

  1. There's a challenge out there called the 50/50 challenge where you attempt to read 50 new to you books and watch 50 new to you movies in one year. It sounds daunting but I did it this year and managed to hit 50 in June. I slowed down a bit after that but I'm still at 60 something in both categories. I don't have a lot of time to read and we don't go to movies that often, so I was a little concerned about accomplishing it, but that might help you do your 30 books.

    And I'm pretty sure I can't climb a tree now, much less when I'm 60.
