I was born at the end of this glorious month where winter begins to peek around the corner into the part of Texas where I live. I love fall! The crispness that shows up in the air, the burst of growth that occurs as the weather moves from the unbearable heat of summer to the random chill of winter, and I love never knowing if tomorrow will be a beautiful indian summer day or a winter wonderland. I have more than a few complaints about the state that I was born in, but none of them are against fall weather.
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A rose-cicle! |
30 Of My Favorite Things!
This list is one of the most random lists, and the order within the list is random too, but I feel that is appropriate since one of my headlining features is my randomness. I took the term things in the broadest sense possible so there are people, events, food, smells, appliances, all things that I thought of when I asked myself "What do I like best of all?" with little to no editing. These are what popped into my head. If you asked me on another day I might have made a slightly different list but this seems to be fairly representative. Enjoy!
1. Cool weather, will top my list in honor of the season.
2. New green grass, the kind that always feels cold to step on.
3. Can openers that don't leave jagged edges. So nifty!
4. Carmex!
5. Having a pile of towels fresh from the dryer dumped on you. The smell and the warmth... delightful!
6. Books, I will embellish on this in another post, the hard part will be choosing only 30.
7. Coffee tables that lift up.
8. Little boxes that are the perfect size for... anything, I just love lots of little boxes in assorted sizes.
9. Wood furniture. Especial if it is a beautiful cherry or birds eye maple.
10. The smell of wood, you know, like in the back of Home Depot.
11. Getting popcorn at the movies.
12. Dark chocolate!
13. The TV series Friends. Cracks me up every time.
14. The smell of the Leaves scented candle from Bath and Body Works.
15. Those baby fingernail clippers that have the little magnifying glass on them.
16. Getting so lost in a book that you look up and can't remember where you are for a moment.
17. Sean Connery, I think it is the accent, so I guess cool accents are my favorite.
18. My charm bracelet.
19. Jewelry in general, love it all!
20. Fuzzy blankets on a cold night.
21. Late night girl talk.
22. Food, in particular, almost all the parts of it that are bad for you.
23. Looking through old pictures.
24. The sound of a rushing creek.
25. Loud music, well, my loud music.
26. My wedding ring.
27. Office Supplies! Pens, pencils, post-it notes, sharpies, all of it!
28. Cutting edge gadgets.
29. That feeling when your hair has been up too long and you take it down.
30. Large groups of people all in one place because of me... it sounds so vain to put it out there in print but I feel that I must be honest with myself and I honestly adore it.
And there you have it. A peek into what makes me tick. Tomorrow will be: 30 Foods I Like To Eat. Just thinking about it is making me hungry.
In college, I'd make a pile of my clean laundry in my desk chair and sit on it until it cooled off. It was glorious. Especially on cold Lubbock days.