Thursday, December 2, 2010
You never get used to it.
I let Levi cry himself to sleep tonight because he was so tired and wouldn't let himself go to sleep. I usually just let him do whatever he wants in the evening because it is just me and him and as long as he isn't fussy I see no reason to make him go to sleep before he gets picked up by his mom, but tonight I had Dono as well. Dono is not a problem but he riles Nathan up and is one more munchkin running around the house. So Levi was being fussy and I had my hands full with the other two so I decided that it was time to be the mean aunt and to make him get the sleep that he didn't want. I was surprised it only took 20 min. or so but I still felt like a cad. When I got him out of the crib to go home he had a super wet diaper and I felt even worse but he smiled at me as I changed him and I just melted my heart. You never get over it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
"You never can tell with bees"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I could have done it so I feel like I have accomplished something.
I got Levi a bottle, Nathan a sippy cup of milk, made Nathan some toast because he asked for it and it seemed to be the least offensive option to me, and then burped Levi and changed his diaper, all in that miserable half hour. Both the boys were very sweet, they usually are, and were also were lower maintanance than they usually are which was good because I was hanging on by a thread when Brennen left with Levi.
Once we were down to one child Daniel and I tag teamed keeping up with Nathan while the other took a bathroom break, to put it nicely, just trying to keep it up until 6pm which is Nathan's bed time. Daniel called his mom and she came and got Nathan at 5:55pm so at least he wouldn't be exposed, knock on wood, to whatever we had. I feel like we really accomplished something here. I couldn't be happier that Kathy picked up Nathan but it was great to realize that we probably would have made it on our own. It is moments like this where you don't feel that you are an exemplary parent but you do feel like you are doing all right and I will take doing all right any day.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Smart Two Year Olds are a Wonderful Problem
Nathan has never been a clingy cuddly child. He has little problem with strangers or strange places. Give him a minuet and some interesting toys and he would be fine anywhere. This child calling for Mommy seemed totally foreign to me. That is when it struck me, I have a very intelligent son who likes to have things his own may and he had discovered... THE POWER OF TEARS! Two year olds by nature are very manipulative, it is why they survive to adulthood, and Nathan was drunk with power but mommys, though they may be slow, are not dumb and I was onto his shenanigans.
I talked to his teacher and explained what I thought was going on and she and I agreed that we would refuse to cater to the tears for one week and then see how he was doing. Daniel and I also got his Sunday and Wednesday night teachers on board for a full fledged group effort. It only took Nathan moments to feel the difference when I dropped him off. There was no "poor baby" from me or the teachers it was all "I'm sorry, but you are fine." He has not had that kind of trouble in class since then. He has better days than others but the crying for longer than it takes to realize that Mommy is not coming back has quit.
Mommy 1 Nathan 90 (these numbers were estimated and will not hold up in a court of law, Nathan's score is probably higher)
Maybe Nathan will be a lawyer when he grows up.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How Do You Go to the Bathroom When You Have a Two Year Old
A few weeks after that I was paying some bills at the dining room table and Nathan was going in and out of his room. I though that since he would "check in" periodically that I was keeping a close enough eye on him. Nathan comes up to me grinning from ear to ear and rubbing his hair and that is when I realized that he had covered himself in Vaseline. Hair, face, clothes and I later found the stool, comb and car in his room, all smeared with Vaseline.
By the way, wipes work very well to remove Vaseline but not so well on Desitin.
A few days later, you would think I would have learned by now but no, I am a bit thick headed, I was feeding Levi and it got a little too quiet in the other room. I did know enough by this time to realize that that meant trouble. As soon as I could I went in his room to see what he had gotten into this time. That is when I learned that Desitin is really hard to get out of carpet, out of shoes and off the hands of a child. This time I caught on early enough that the damage was minimal.
But it did not end there... I feel like a terrible parent as I admit all this.
He learned how to open doors, that was the beginning of the trouble on this day. I was in the kitchen when I heard the splashing of water. I ran in the bathroom, which he could now open the door to, and found him using his sandal to scoop water out of the toilet and pour it on the unopened(thank you) package of toilet paper I had set in the hall to put in the bathroom. TOILET water.... ewwww! I put him in the tub, his clothes in the washer, dried off the toilet paper package, and mopped the floor. Am I a negligent parent? It just all happened so fast. We have now gone a week or two without and incident but I still feel a bit jumpy. How do you take time to even go to the bathroom when you can't leave them alone for a minuet.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go
Friday morning I was up at 3:30 am, unable to sleep. I often have trouble sleeping the night before a trip and we were planning to leave for home at about 6:00 am Texas time. Nathan was restless too because we were sharing a room and I was moving around too much. At 5:30 I woke up my Mom and Dono so that we could pack up the car. By 6:00 we had said goodbye to my aunt and uncle that had come in last night, the boys were in the car, all the groceries and luggage were in the car and we began down the "driveway". (for lack of a better word to describe the short dirt path between the cabin and the bridge to the road.) We stopped short once we could see the bridge because where the bridge should have been there was only a horridly swollen creek. If I were to stand in the creek on a normal day our bridge would be about waist high on me and the creek would be just over my ankles. On the lovely Friday morning in question the creek was about a foot an a half above previously mentioned bridge. So my moms little Honda Accord was probably not going to make it over without drifting down into the creek. So we backed up, ate breakfast and checked on the water level every hour or so. It was going down, slowly, and all we could do was hope that it would go down enough that we could get out before the rain storm that was supposed to arrive around noon got here. At about 12:00pm we decided to make a go for it. The water on the bridge was only mid-calf by this point and they had had a back hoe through to clear out some of the debris further down. My uncle, in his truck, went ahead of up so that he could haul us out if we drifted away. Very reassuring...not. But we made it and as we headed into town we could see the storm clouds moving over the mountains. We were 6 hours behind schedule and wouldn't get home until 12:30am but there was no going back. It just felt good to be on our way home...finally.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Work Camp!
I have been feeling a bit worn down lately mostly because our busy stressful life, as much as I do love it, can start to feel like a treadmill. The same problems, the same meals, the same routine each week. I am happier than I have ever been but I am the type of person that thrives on variety and new challenges and new environments so the little foray into something new refreshed me gave me the perspective to appreciate my everyday life all over again.
Meanwhile...I need to get some rest because I feel old and worn out. When I did work camp in high school I didn't have to clean houses and chase a 1.75 year old the next day. If I am remembering correctly it was summer and I was carefree and slept... ah, youth is wasted on the young. (I have always wanted to have some place to say that... he he he!)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Twenty First Century... I want to go to there.
You may have noticed that I have been absent for a while. The internet that I had access to is no longer available and since I either am chasing my son or at home that means that I only rarely get to check my email and perhaps Facebook. I feel as if I have moved into the dark ages. If it wasn't for the fact that I have a cell phone I would probably have a technological deprivation break down and start sending smoke signals from my patio. And last week only confirmed my fears. It was me vs. the phone and it didn't look good for me.
While I was in Abilene last week I had cell phone issues the start of which was my fault. I had forgotten my charger and so my phone started dying. I had a small freak-out because we were not even sure that we could afford for me to be out there so Daniel said that buying another charger was out of the question, but I called around and my cousin helped my out by letting me borrow one of his old phones. It was pretty cool at first but the phone was a little too sophisticated for me and I kept hanging up on people; in the end I had a phone so I was happy as a bird with a french fry.
Cell phone- 0 Kara-0
Since the phone was a smart phone ATT realized that I had "upgraded" so they upgraded my plan for me. This is a bit of a mess because I am on my parents plan so I had to call my dad and explain to him what had happened and get him to fix it. If I can't afford an extra charger I most certainly can not afford a data plan. As I explained before I don't even have texting on my phone, so data plan? I don't think so.
Cell phones-1 Kara-0
Eric hunted around and found me a old razor that they had lying around. It didn't hold a charge but I could keep it plugged in and it was not too fancy for my simple tasted and phone plan. So I went on my merry way happy as a puppy with a chew toy until Tuesday night. I went to the restroom, you might see where this is going, and plop, right out of my pocket, from which I have never had this happen before, and directly into the toilet.
Cell phones-2 Kara-0
The next morning I realized that I no longer even had my original phone to make one last dying call. In the middle of things I had left it at Eric and Em's house.
Cell phones-3 Kara-0
I finally descended into a full panic, a complete, irrational, straight up panic. I ran to Walmart, bought a charger, went to Eric and Em's house and let myself in when no one answered the door, found my phone and went back to where I was staying where I used the last bits of my phones battery confessing my $15 purchase to my husband in hysterics. He was very kind to me and I realized that I probably had not gotten enough sleep lately. I went in, plugged in my phone and took a deep breath.
I think the cell phones still won.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring Break
  I never did the whole spring break vacation while I was in high school and college but I did look forward to it. A whole week to catch up on sleep and homework that I had put off. Not that I ever did the homework but I often had good intentions and set for myself lofty goals. While I was teaching I had similar plans; catch up on sleep and grading that I had put off (not that that happened either). So perhaps this would feel more momentous if I had some crazy history of fabulous partying or wild vacations or even lofty goal reaching. Or maybe I should look at it as if I have entered a stage in my life, while I am home with my children, where every week it spring break. I at least have the same goals that I had every spring break: catch up on sleep and housework that I have put off (not that that ever happens). I guess some things never change.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Nap Wars
Monday, March 1, 2010
Cooking for Two and a Half
While I was working we got ezmeals which gives you recipes and grocery lists that are supposed to work for two and they often did. Daniel was the one cooking at that time and it made such a difference in our tendency to eat out. But I don't cook that way, I cook cheaper than they do, and I like my cooking so no more ezmeals now that I am home.
I believe that I have found a solution to my over cooking though and it is ingenious. I have started providing others with a week of meals for a weekly fee that is less than they would spend eating out. Am I good or am I good. Daniel gets more home cooked meals because I don't resort to hot dogs or leftovers as much. I just keep a small portion of what I make for them, for us, and send off the rest. I do get "cooked out" if the meals that I choose are all really intensive prep meals. And there are fewer leftovers for Daniel to take to work but that hasn't been a big problem as of yet.
I guess my conclusion is that if you don't know how to cook for two, find more people.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How to get things done... a quandary
Climbing is Nathan's official sport
Thursday, February 4, 2010
“It is nice to own a home.” I was a little wistful
“ Until you are on your way to the hardware store” He replied with a smile. I smiled too. “That is why me and your Grandma need to move somewhere smaller. Less to keep up with...” He talked about perhaps renting. He talked about a little grey house.
“I think she doesn't want to move because the house reminds her of you. She really misses you.”
“I know” he replied softly.
“I like going there because it reminds me of you. I miss you too.”
“I know.” He replied even softer.
He looked thoughtful and I could tell I was about to go. My mind kinda started racing thought all the conversations that I wish we had been able to have while he was here. There was so much that I wanted to talk to him about; to ask him about his life. “How did you come to know Christ?” I asked quickly as my dream faded. “Your Grandmother...” was all I got and then I was awake.
I have been crying ever since, when I think about it, when I talk about it. It has been 5 years since he died and longer than that since he was kinda gone due to Alzheimer's. He never forgot who I was when I saw him but I never really got past my sophomore year in high school for him even though I was out of college when he passed away. Somehow it is like loosing him all over again. I don't understand it at all. It was so real but not like I didn't know he was dead. It is just like I got a glimpse of him as he is now, where he is now, and got to take a moment with him. He wasn't sad, maybe wistful, and I wasn't sad until I woke up. It was like we were just hanging out on a sunny afternoon talking about whatever happened to come up. It wasn't like it would be if i saw Pa again it was like it should be.
The Monday
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Rainy days make for wet shoes
That is when I realized that I have to go back to the grocery store. Maybe I will tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I am that obstinate
In conclusion I took Nathan to a funeral today. Yes, I was the crazy lady on the back row with the restless one and a half year old. No he did not behave the whole time but he did very well for the first little bit. I think he learned something but I did feel a bit ridiculous pacing around the atrium with my very restless, napless, teething, drooling, chewing on his vest, kicking off his shoes but very precious baby boy.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
It all begins...
I am a "stay at home" mom but the post office keeps trying to deliver this certified letter to me and they have yet to find me at home. That might give you a hint as to why I have included quotation marks around my title.
Mondays are my free days, my laundry days and I also on occasion keep a precious four year old boy because I could use the income and his parents need someone on random Mondays. I have also started trying to get together with a friend of mine who is having a difficult pregnancy mostly to hang out but sometimes to try to do some small things to help her out. Did I mention that she lives 45 min from me? This week she came to see me and next week I think I will have to cancel because I will have Eli and I also have a doctors appointment. Also on Mondays I deliver a week worth of dinners to my best friend who is paying me for the privilege of my cooking and my time to comparison shop. There goes my free day... when am I going to go by the post office to get that letter?