Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Go to the Bathroom When You Have a Two Year Old

Nathan has reached a new level in ability to get in to things and it has thrown me for a loop. The other day...well, a few weeks ago, I was exhausted so me and Nathan went into his room, at the time he couldn't open doors, and I fell asleep in the corner. When I woke up I realized that Nathan now could not only open zippers, but he had also had mastered the ability to twist open the cap of the baby powder and the room was now looked like there had been some selective snowing.
A few weeks after that I was paying some bills at the dining room table and Nathan was going in and out of his room. I though that since he would "check in" periodically that I was keeping a close enough eye on him. Nathan comes up to me grinning from ear to ear and rubbing his hair and that is when I realized that he had covered himself in Vaseline. Hair, face, clothes and I later found the stool, comb and car in his room, all smeared with Vaseline.
By the way, wipes work very well to remove Vaseline but not so well on Desitin.
A few days later, you would think I would have learned by now but no, I am a bit thick headed, I was feeding Levi and it got a little too quiet in the other room. I did know enough by this time to realize that that meant trouble. As soon as I could I went in his room to see what he had gotten into this time. That is when I learned that Desitin is really hard to get out of carpet, out of shoes and off the hands of a child. This time I caught on early enough that the damage was minimal.
But it did not end there... I feel like a terrible parent as I admit all this.
He learned how to open doors, that was the beginning of the trouble on this day. I was in the kitchen when I heard the splashing of water. I ran in the bathroom, which he could now open the door to, and found him using his sandal to scoop water out of the toilet and pour it on the unopened(thank you) package of toilet paper I had set in the hall to put in the bathroom. TOILET water.... ewwww! I put him in the tub, his clothes in the washer, dried off the toilet paper package, and mopped the floor. Am I a negligent parent? It just all happened so fast. We have now gone a week or two without and incident but I still feel a bit jumpy. How do you take time to even go to the bathroom when you can't leave them alone for a minuet.


  1. No, you're not negligent!! If you were those incidents would be much more serious. And if you paid more attention, you wouldn't have stories like this :) You can do it!!! Maybe you just need more baby fences up.

    I am sending a little strength and patience your way via the internet.

  2. We have had some of the same kinds of things with Zachary. When we want him to stay in a room we have to put the baby gate up. It'll get better. I also have to put things like the baby powder way up high or in a completely different room. Don't worry he's washable!

  3. Ha! Happens to the best of us. I won't tell you some of the things I have found R playing with. You turn your back for a second and the next thing you know they have their little hands on the one thing they shouldn't! Buy those door knob cover thingys.....that is their technical name I believe.
