These words, that I heard from my sons mouth to my daughter when breakfast was over, were sweet music to my ears. There is a three and a half year age gap between these two which is enough time for my sweet boy to remember life before baby girl and also to clearly remember her as a tiny baby. I have been wondering for a few months now when my sweet boy would look at his baby sister, who is now two years old and ready to play with her 'brubah', and realize 'Hey, she is a kid too!' In other words, some one he can actually play with. Most of their playtime interaction, until just recently was brother doing something, baby girl watching him, then annoying him as she tried to imitate it. There was a whole period of time where her MO was to stick legos in her mouth just to see him have a conniption over it.

The sweet moments, in between tattling, tears and screams, when I hear the joyful bangs, happy screams and mystery thuds emanating from their room, are music to my ears. Next year my sweet boy will be in kindergarten so these precious days together will become fewer and further between. I know that she will miss her big brother terribly when she is stuck with me and the not nearly as interesting little prince.
In my mind it all comes down to something I told my children when they were fussing at one another the other day:
Your siblings will always be there, they will always love you just because you are you, and the bond between brothers and sisters is very special and never goes away. Being part of a family is hard, and being part of a bigger family takes even more cooperation and effort from everyone, you all have to pitch in to make things work. But the bigger the family the more people there are in this world to love you from the first moment you exist.
As someone from a big family, I agree. My dad would say "be nice to your brother, he's one of the only ones you've got." Which I had three, so I felt like that was more than anyone deserved.