Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Second Child-ed

     I said these words the other day and as they came out of my mouth I realized I had arrived some where new...

His "hugs" might get her
before the legos do.
     For background here is the whole conversation:
     My sweet boy about his not yet two year old sister: "Mom she's putting my legos in her mouth!"
     Me: "Okay, call me if she chokes on them."
     I didn't even pause to think. I didn't hesitate for a moment, consider setting down the spoon I was stirring with and going to intervene. I didn't even flinch as I said it. I totally second child-ed it.

     To be honest, before Christmas, which is when the number of non-duplo sized legos in my house increased by a factor of 10, this would have incited panic in me. 'She is going to choke and die' I would say to myself and rush to her "aid", but earlier that day I had watched that little girl repeatedly put legos in her mouth and spit them out in order to annoy her overwrought big brother. So by the time I am standing at the stove trying to get dinner made so that I can put them all to bed my panic button was broken...
     ...at least on that subject.

A Christmas addition to our
"real" size lego collection
     You probably know what I mean by "second child-ed it", it's when you put the pacifier in your mouth to "sanitize" it, it's when you don't make everyone who comes in contact with your newborn douse themselves in hand-sanitizer because what's the point when your three year old lets them suck his thumb, it's when you are relieved to see that the food that they are eating off the floor is at least from that day, it's when they eat dirt and you don't flinch, just wipe the evidence off their face before grandma comes over, it's when they crash into something and it looks and sounds like it should hurt but since no one is crying you don't even pause the conversation you are having.
Hey, she's getting food, right?

     You run at the tears of the first child, sweep them into your arms, and search all over for all possible "boo-boos" all the while asking if they are hurt, but the second child you call to you, give them a kiss, a once over for blood, and send them on their way.

Yes, that is a tomato my
second child is eating like an
apple. Saves on dishes.

     It is a gradual change and every parent has their hang up from the first that they just can't relax on, some more than others, and that is just fine. But one day, when you least expect it, you look up and realize that you have more broken panic buttons than live ones.

     This is how you know your ready for kid number three.

1 comment:

  1. I was a 4th kid born 12 years after the first and I have a brother 3 years younger....it just got worse. lol We used to joke that unless there was a LOT of blood, vomit, or a bone poking through the skin, Mom didn't care. I kind of brought that into my "mothering" skills and didn't freak out much (or at all that I remember) with my first and I'm definitely more laid back with the second.
