Makes me wanna spit
Momma won't let me play
Gotta stay here all the live long day
Time Out Blues
So what if I kicked my brother
He was being such a bother
Don't ask me about my sister
Does it count if I missed when I hit her?
The Time Out Blues
I cry til my nose runs clear
I shed every remorseful tear
I promise I'll never to it again
As long as they follow my plan
The Time Out Blues
My stomach is starting to hurt
My eyes are full of something like dirt
My mind abounds with random fears
My maladies fall on Moms deaf ears to my
Time Out Blues
What is that noise I hear?
The kitchens timer tone rings clear
Suddenly freed I feel all better
Now that I'm released from my fetters
Now that I'm all through
With the Time Out Blues.