Daniel and I have now been married for about eight years and there are consistencies that are beginning to emerge in the way we celebrate certain events. In other words, we are developing little traditions within our new little family unit.
Every night when we put our babies to bed we have a very clear routine that I feel counts as a tradition. We have two books, a song, a prayer and then hugs and kisses, and bed time feels off if any part of these are missing.
When I turned twenty-one my parents got me a charm bracelet and I am very careful to mark all the momentous occasions by getting a charm to commemorate the accomplishment or big event. Daniel has been sweet enough to fully support these occasions.
On our honeymoon Daniel and I bought a copy of
The Polar Express, for our five year anniversary we bought
Jumanji. We don't know what we will get in two years when we reach tenth anniversary but we will be getting something.
Don't you wish it was your birthday? |
Some friends of ours let their children choose their favorite breakfast for the morning of their birthday. I love this idea and decided to put it in to practice this year so my sweet boy got to have homemade cinnamon rolls for his breakfast. I don't really know how to ask baby girl what she wants, she is little enough that all things mentioned are the most exciting at the time, so I think that I will just recycle brothers choice since she seemed to really enjoy that.
Another tradition that is growing as our family does are the stackable rings that my husband gets me for each child. When I couldn't wear my wedding ring with our first child he took me out to find a substitute that I would be able to wear on my right hand after our baby was born. When I saw the James Avery set of rings I knew we have a tradition in the making.

My boy got the one with the hearts because I couldn't believe how fiercely I loved him, from the moment I knew he was there, before the first sonogram, before I could feel him, before there was any outward sign other than the positive on a pregnancy test, I loved him and would give my life for him. Baby girl got the doves because she brought such a sweet peace to my life even before she was born. She had a gentle spirit from the first, every twitch, every wiggle seemed full of joy and affection. Even as a toddler she tries to comfort and care for her big brother.

And Baby Barcroft the Third got the crosses because I thought for sure I had lost him a few weeks ago. We went to the ER showing all the signs of a miscarriage and I didn't dare to hope. When I heard that beautiful heartbeat on the sonogram it felt like God had given my baby back to me. The crosses will always make me think of that beautiful moment when I learned that not only was my baby alive, but it was healthy, and at the moment safe.
Traditions add a security and a cozy comfort to life. They are things that we can rely on and look forward to in spite of all that is changing around us. And often when we find them gone there is quite a hole left in our life. The traditions that are springing up in our family are ones that I am very proud of and I look forward to seeing the ones that will develop in the years to come.